Date:2017/06/28 15:05
On June 23, the Seminar on Promoting Women's Research and Development in Mathematics and Natural Science is held in Tongliao. The seminar is hosted by CSIAM Committee for Women in Applied Mathematics, and co-organized by the College of Computer Science and Technology of the Inner Mongolia University for Nationalities. Nearly 20 scholars participate in the seminar.
In the seminar, the Committee Chair Guiying Yan first introducs the recent work of CSIAM, emphasizing the preparation for the CSIAM annual meeting (October, Qingdao), as well as the Gender Gap project initiated by the International Council for Science. The participants discuss the arrangements for the Women's Forum in the annual meeting, and the committee's future plans.
Then, the participants have a discussion around the theme of the seminar. Currently in China, the number of women engaged in mathematics research and education is far less than that of men. The participants think some measures need to be taken to help young women in applied mathematics to improve themselves, and they should have more chances to show their capability. It is also important to guide them to make career plans as early as possible.
After the seminar, the participants discuss with the College teachers and students, giving advice for the development of the College and young teachers. The participants finally visit the Museum of University History.
(By CSIAM Committee for Women in Applied Mathematics)
Copyright: China Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics