Date:2017/06/19 10:39
On June 15, 2017, the website of ICM (International Congress of Mathematicians) 2018 publishes the invited speakers. In total, there are over 180 mathematicians from 19 research areas. Twelve of them are ethnic Chinese. CSIAM President Pingwen Zhang, as well as CSIAM executive council member Tao Tang are on the list (Area: Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing). The other 10 scholars are Wei Zhang (Number Theory); Chenyang Xu, Zhiwei Yun, Jungkai Alfred Chen, and Meng Chen (Algebraic and Complex Geometry); Song Sun (Geometry); Xuhua He (Lie Theory and Generalizations); Jiangong You (Dynamical Systems and Ordinary Differential Equations); Shi Jin and Qiang Du (Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing).
The International Congress of Mathematicians, held every four years, is one of the world’s premier forums for presenting and discussing new mathematical discoveries. ICM 2018 will be held in Rio De Janeiro on August 1-9, 2018.
For more information about the two invited speakers from CSIAM, please refer to,
Pingwen Zhang's Homepage:
Tao Tang's Homepage:, and
(By CSIAM Office)
Copyright: China Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics