Date:2017/10/17 13:22
The 15th Annual Meeting of the China Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (CSIAM) is held in Qingdao on October 13-15. The annual meeting is hosted by CSIAM and organized by the Ocean University of China (OUC).
On October 13, the opening ceremony of the annual meeting is held in Huanghai Hotel, Qingdao, with more than 1000 participants including the Academician Ya-xiang Yuan (vice president of the China Association for Science and Technology, president-elect of ICIAM, president of the Chinese Mathematical Society), the Academician Pingwen Zhang (president of CSIAM, chair of the annual meeting), the Academicians Lei Guo, Qun Lin, Zhi-ming Ma, Shige Peng, Mu Mu, Anmin Li, Zongben Xu and Song Jiang, the Academician Lixin Wu (vice president of OUC, chair of the annual meeting), Dietmar Hoemberg (president of the European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry), Eunok Jung (president of the Korean Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics), and the experts, scholars and enterprise delegates from China, the US, Japan, Korea and Germany. The ceremony is chaired by Guiying Yan (secretary-general of CSIAM, chair of the organizing committee of the annual meeting).
Pingwen Zhang, Ya-xiang Yuan and Chuanjin Ju (secretary of OUC) give welcome speeches.
The opening ceremony is followed by the CSIAM 7th National Members Congress, chaired by Xiaoshan Gao, the vice president of CSIAM. The congress has passed three agendas: the CSIAM 7th Council, the revised CSIAM Bylaws, and the updated CSIAM Membership Fee.
With a theme of Challenges and Opportunities Brought by Big Data to Industrial and Applied Mathematics, the 3-day conference has 369 talks in total, including seven invited talks, five embedded meetings (two for Asia 3 Foresight Program*, Big Financial Data Forum, Women's Forum, CSIAM Student Forum), 16 thematic minisymposia, and one satellite meeting (2017 Ocean Big Data Forum). The talks cover the most recent advances in many aspects of applied mathematics, such as the application of mathematics in physics, chemistry, biology, economy, environment science, finance, material science, medicine and information science.
On October 14, a multi-lateral meeting is also held among CSIAM, JSIAM (Japan), KSIAM (Korea) and ECMI (European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry). The four societies have achieved consensus on potential future cooperation.
The conference also awards the CSIAM First Student Poster Award to nine papers.
The closing ceremony of the annual meeting is held on October 15. Qingguo Meng (vice-chair of the Mathematics & Physics Division of the National Natural Science Foundation of China) gives an address.
The conference uses the advanced QR code registration system. Meanwhile, the faculty and volunteers from OUC offer efficient and high-quality service for the conference.
From this year on, the CSIAM annual meeting is going to be held once a year. The CSIAM annual meeting is committed to building a high-level academic exchange platform for industrial and applied mathematicians.
*Asia 3 Foresight Program is a cooperative research program set up jointly by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), Japan Society for Promotion of Science (JSPS) and Korean National Research Foundation (NRF). Asia 3 Foresight Program supports scientists in China, Japan and Korea to conduct first-class cooperative research in selected strategic areas and, through implementation of the program, aims to train outstanding young scholars and jointly solve regional problems.
(By CSIAM Office)
Copyright: China Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics